Divine Art, Holy pilgrim, Soul Sovereignty, Healing, Psychic Expansion, Longevity, Reality, Coaching, Poetry, Books, Ghostwriting

White Poems...true spiritual love
Spiritual Art Fiction
"Unique, passionate and wild,
while at the same time loving and mild.
A way that would melt any ice,
refined with my self-mixed love spice."
With love Stephanie Weiss
“An inspirational love story full of raw emotions, passion,
despair and hope, recalling the writings of great poets.
Do not seek to comprehend why love like this is so grand,
when mind and body reprimand what only soul and heart can understand.
Love just is…enjoy!"
Daniel Juarez, Film Director, USA, visualmirth.com
"A spiritual and philosophic masterpiece!
Funny, honest and outspoken while being unique and different.
We have never seen such a piece of art before.
Poetic rhymes in perfection!”
Andreas Dajamoo, Spiritual Leader, Germany
Available worldwide on Amazon and any bookshop. Please leave me a review.

Choose or not to choose
love or not to love, that is the question
Little king, it is time to extend the book,
give me the honor to take a look,
Into the deepest layers of my heart,
that I am trying to express with my love poem art.
For more than 2 years I am waiting for a first date,
look at my belly, I put on a lot of frustration/happiness weight.
Even when you have been far away for so long,
my feelings for you are still strong.
While at the same time I am trying to kick them out of my heart,
as there has been so much that had the potential to pull us apart.
You are all I never wanted, vice versa is the same,
in this all or nothing game.
At the same time we are like an old married couple, deeply connected,
love bite affected.
Our higher essence, united, but ready to part way,
so that you have the freedom to walk away.
Our life vision/mission seems not to match,
so we are forcing us to detach.
Believing this is the only way,
at the German and French Atlantique bay.
One man and surrounding had to catch the golden ball,
It is about to fall.
While at the same time it can be thrown up again towards the sky,
flying high or a final bye bye.
Not knowing which timeline to choose,
to be walking in whose shoes?
Our mutual purpose can be voided if this is what we feel,
and we can look elsewhere for another spiritual “deal”.
It is important to follow the inner voice,
and to take the right choice.
Maybe the physical took already its toll and this is not possible any longer,
when the physical temptations were stronger.
Do not take me for granted, as I am pure gold,
do you wanna warm me or leave me out in the cold?
Also connected to my international ambition,
in what way I desire to follow my love mission.
Suddenly finding you in this unique situation not knowing how to get out,
out of this cloud,
of trying to escape
what has been placed on your plate,
what will await, what only time will show in the eternal now,
when you have more know-how,
how to navigate this situation,
and can tolerate more frustration.
Our cultures do not match that well,
in our physical shell.
We incarnated in a way that makes it nearly impossible to physically unite,
in deep love shining bright.
Look around and we only see "no-go"
in this illusionary show.
Nothing seems to fit,
not even a bit.
Once we nearly found a way to each other,
something happened to draw us apart from one another.
This must be some sort of key,
one day we will see.
The circle of repetition,
too high of an admission.
Difficult to escape this loop of conflict,
while we are both an addict,
of the chemistry of us,
short term a plus.
Long term this equation does not work out,
I need to leave the energies behind that doubt.
​I herewith declare I only accept a man on my side,
​who gives me delight,
constant pleasure,
​that is my golden treasure.
who gives me a pure snow white kiss,
​otherwise I declare us amiss.
So Monsieur, take your colourful choice,
raise your voice.
​My star, I can maybe give you the answer in ages,
when I have reached other stages,
in my personal development, consciousness, and frequency,
and I learned the lessons of enlightenment decently.
Until then I play,
at the French Atlantique Bay.
I learned to be strong on my own,
to create my own love zone,
to be rich in my heart,
and to diligently express my art,
while I head towards the peak of the mountain,
with the golden fountain,
home in its glory,
wow, what a fantasy story.
​​​Germany 8.2.2025